Discover – Shop – Cook – Learn – Eat – Relax

Discover – Shop – Cook – Learn – Eat – Relax

We invite you to discover the succulent and spicy secrets of Moroccan cuisine while enjoying a vacation in a captivating environment…

Inspired by Arab, Berber, Jewish, African and French traditions, Moroccan cuisine is widely recognized and provides a healthy diet; Locally grown fresh food is plentiful in Morocco, thanks to the wonderful year-round climate and abundant irrigation;


Combined with an imaginative range of spices, herbs and oils, the products result in tasty dishes such as tajines, couscous, salads and Berber breads; A stroll through a souk gives an idea of the immense variety of fresh vegetables and fruits available to Moroccan families and cooks;


Moroccan cuisine is exciting, appealing to the eye, delicately seasoned with subtle blends of flavors, full of fresh ingredients and delicious to the palate; It has been described as “the perfumed soul of Moroccan culture”, a blend of Berber, African, Arab and European influences;

Moroccan cuisine is fun!

If you are expecting some kind of regimented classroom style cooking course then it is best not to read any further; Our Moroccan Berber cooking courses are more about spending quality time in a beautiful location and taking a more intimate and personal approach to the Berber style of cooking;


By definition, most Berber cuisine is “slow food” and the Berbers themselves rarely rush, so it is necessary to be in a place that is picturesque, atmospheric and relaxed at the same time. It is all part of the Berber experience;

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